
Scout Training Courses

All scouting programs require training, from youth to adults to unit leaders. This resource page will review the major training needed alongside providing resources for more niche training courses. 

My.Scouting Training Catelog

First, the hub for all major scout training is found in the training hub. For resources regarding how to access these training courses, go here to our resource hub page for help with account creation and accessing the training catalog. 

Youth Protection Training

The most important and required training for adults of all age groups, this course goes over everything related to youth safety, required to be taken yearly.

Hazardous Weather Training

In Kansas, several adverse weather conditions pose a risk to campouts and other scouting events. This training course is required yearly for most adults, for more details check out the course in the My Scouting training catalog. 

Scouting BSA National Resource:

Program Specific Training

Almost all scouting positions require training of some form, here’s a list of common courses required to take per position: Cub Scout den leaders, Scouts BSA Scoutmasters, committee members, specialized scout programs like explorers, merit badge counselors, and council board. Check out the My Scouting training catalog for more details on these program based trainings.